The overall objective of WP8 is to ensure the replicability of the project results and their expected impacts. For this a methodology of replication is developed and tested throughout the course of the project and the results are summarized in the RENergetic replication package.
The RENergetic methodology for replication of energy islands has 4 core principles: that are:
Goal-centric and user-centric replication focuses on achieving specific goals and meeting the needs of the end-users respectively.
Goal-centric replication involves setting specific, measurable goals for the replication process and then using key performance indicators (KPI) to track progress and evaluate the performance of the energy island. This approach allows to focus on what is important and to replicate the best practices in different locations and contexts. User-centric replication, on the other hand, involves gathering information about the users through research, user interviews, surveys, and observations. This information is then used to inform the design process, helping to ensure that the final design meets the needs of the target users. User-centric replication also involves testing and refining the design with the users, ensuring that the final design is user-friendly and efficient, and meets the user’s needs.
Context-sensitive replication and modular design are used to replicate energy islands effectively.
Context-sensitive replication is an approach that considers the specific needs and constraints of different locations when replicating energy islands. It involves gathering information about the local environment, energy needs, and available resources, and using this information to inform the design and replication process. On the other hand, modular design is an approach to designing energy islands that involves breaking down the overall system into smaller, more manageable units or modules. Each module can be designed, built, and tested independently, and then integrated into the overall system.
As replication needs results to be worked on, the WP8 started after the other work packages had already made some progress in project month 11.
WP8 significant results so far: