
RENergetic results presented during the GoodIT Conference in Bremen

We are thrilled to share that our colleague Anna Volkova presented our latest research findings at the GoodIT Conference in Bremen (Sept 4-6, 2024). The paper, “Being Accountable is Smart: Navigating the Technical and Regulatory Landscape of AI-based Services for Power Grid”, co-authored by Anna Volkova, Mahdieh Hatamian, Alina Anapyanova, and Hermann DeMeer, sparked a lively discussion on the role of IT technologies in advancing social good.

In particular, we explored how AI applications in the Energy and Smart Grid sectors must navigate complex regulatory landscapes to ensure responsible and effective integration.

For a deeper dive into our research, check out the preprint!

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New publication alert!

We are excited to share RENergetic’s latest research titled “Being Accountable is Smart: Navigating the Technical and Regulatory Landscape of AI-based Services for Power Grid”.

New RENergetic video out now

Grateful shoutout to Passau University team for this insightful video where the interdisciplinary project members led by computer scientist Professor Hermann de Meer explain how